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Learn about Forests and How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

If Trees Could Talk: How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

Imagine chilling under the cool shade of Willow and Oakley, two ancient trees with stories to tell from their rooted spots in the earth’s biggest green lounges. These aren’t your ordinary trees; they’re our laid-back guides on a virtual journey through the planet’s forests, all from the comfort of your favorite hangout spot.

If Trees Could Talk: How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

Willow: “Hey, Oakley. As the seasoned guardians of the planet, we’ve seen centuries come and go. It’s time to spill the tea on the forests we call home.”

Oakley: “That’s right, Willow. From the frosty realms of the boreal to the dynamic temperate woods and the bustling life of tropical rainforests, we’ve got tales that’ll stir the soul.”

Willow: “So, let’s dive in. We’re here to light a spark in everyone to protect these lush, green treasures.”

And just like that, Willow and Oakley are not just inviting us to listen but to actively participate through Jagger, the survey app where you get rewarded for your opinions and become a hero for our forests.

Boreal Forests: The Cool Guardians of the North

If Trees Could Talk: How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

A Guide to Forest Bathing

Boreal forests are like nature’s deep freezer, stocked with the essentials of life. These forests are built tough, braving freezing temperatures and hosting a landscape sculpted by ancient glaciers. Home to a variety of trees and wildlife, they stretch over continents, acting as the planet’s carbon vaults.

Temperate Forests: The Ever-Changing Masterpiece

If Trees Could Talk: How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

Temperate forests are nature’s way of showing off, with four distinct seasons that transform the landscape into a living canvas of colors. These forests are a mix of fashion-forward deciduous trees and the ever-stylish evergreens. And, the yearly carpet of leaves from deciduous trees helps fertilize the soil when they decompose. Temperate forests are biodiversity hubs and crucial carbon catchers, making them invaluable. These forests are home to creatures that hibernate, store food, or migrate in the winter.

Tropical Forests: The Heartbeat of Biodiversity

If Trees Could Talk: How You Can Get Rewarded for Your Opinion and Make the Forests Buzz Again

Tropical forests are the epicenter of nature’s party, teeming with life and diversity around the equator. They regulate our climate, house countless species, and are vital to many indigenous communities and global health. Tropical forests cover only a tenth of the surface of the planet and are home to many endangered species such as orangutans and tigers.

Jagger: Get Rewarded for Your Opinion While Fighting Deforestation

Jagger, in partnership with Eden Projects, is on a mission to halt deforestation and tackle climate change. It’s revolutionizing how we interact with ads, making every survey you take a step towards reforestation. With Jagger, getting rewarded for your opinion is not just about earning perks; it’s about making a tangible difference for our planet.

Your Opinion Matters: Make a Difference with Surveys and Polls


With Jagger, your voice has power beyond the digital realm—it blooms into a force for environmental action. By joining a community of like-minded individuals who value reforestation, you don’t just get rewarded; you are planting seeds for a greener tomorrow. This is where small acts of sharing your opinion can weave into a larger narrative of change.

Step Up, Speak Out, and Save the Forests While You Get Rewarded

As Willow and Oakley stand watch over the forests, Jagger offers you a unique opportunity. Your participation in surveys isn’t just about giving feedback; it’s a pathway to contributing to a sustainable future, tree by tree. This movement is more than brand loyalty; it’s about being a champion for the environment.


Together, let’s ensure that the voices of Willow and Oakley, and the forests they stand for, resonate with life and vitality for generations to come. Join us, get rewarded for your opinion, and be part of the legacy of reforestation.

Download Jagger today and start
taking surveys!